Top 42+ COC Builder Hall 6 base with copy link

COC BH 6 Base With Copy Link

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Builder Hall Clash Of Clans Is just awesome because at this level Otto Outpost will unlocked and it is fun to play Otto Outpost at level 6. But there is one disadvantage is that you can use only one hero it is a battle machine, Ther new levels of battle machine are added at this level so it became more powerful than the previous builder hall.

Builder Hall 6 base with copy links.

Builder Hall 6 COC has some more buildings and walls so proper arrangments of this building and wall became tougher than the previous Builder Hall 5. At this builder hall6, you must upgrade your main army first so you can collect bonus stars quicklyBuilder hall 6 levels

Given bases of BH6 are the anti-three star because the arrangements of the builder hall are centralized so the army must deal with all defense first and then they can take down the builder hall 6 level.