COC BH 5 base with Copy Link
There is no Otto outpost at Builder Hall 5 bases
Builder Hall level 5 is easier because there are less number of defenses available, And you just have to upgrade calculated buildings and army at the coc builder hall level 5 base.
At the BH5 Base layout, you must use the battle machine carefully Because the battle machine is the only hero that can deal high damage to the building and it must have survived the attack for the three stars’ attack.
Best BH5 Trophy Base With Copy Link
Builder Hall 5 Clash Of Clans has some strategic moves because, after this level of the builder hall, the game became more strategic and complicated. You must upgrade your main builder army for the attack both air and ground army, There is one more advantage of this builder base is that you can change your army according to the enemy base and this is very useful.
Just look at this given base this is unbeatable, the arrangement of the wall and the defense make it tougher for the enemy, and just look at the arrangement of the crusher it can just eliminate any troop near the builder hall and this is just amazing. You just have to tap on the copy button and then you can use this base.